In the beginning of time, when the God creator Olodumare, the fountain of energy, decides to create the physical world, he gave the directors of life to be upright and voracious and to fulfill our destiny. Olodumare thought up how to create more things in the universe and to carry out his purpose. He realized that he needed an intermediate force due to his being charged with too much energy as to come into contact with any living thing and for it to not be destroyed. Therefore, he created Ogbon, wisdom, and sustained it in the palms of his hands where it could live. After some time, Olodumare liberated Ogbon so it could fly, searching for an appropriate place to live. And in not finding it, it returned, producing a sound like that of bees.
And Olodumare deposited it in his stomach. The same happened with Imo, knowledge, and with Oye, understanding, who were also taken into his stomach. After many thousands of years, Olodumare decided to definitely liberate them, having felt perturbed by their unceasing hums, and he ordered them to descend, “Ro” in Yoruba. In their descent, These three energies merged into a single solid substance, which was transparent, similar to a gelatin in the form of an egg, and descending, making the sound, Oro. Now they were known in their new stage of Oro, or Word in Yoruba. During some time, Oro maintained suspended in space, evacuating its energy or life force in the form of light and sound. Upon arriving at earth, it divided and scattered. La, the Yoruba verb, which means to divide or scatter. In adding to it the prefix E, and converting it into a word, name, or noun, we obtain the name Ela, which according to experts of Yoruba tradition, refers to the spirit Orunmila.
IFA, declared by UNESCO as Heritage of Humanity and a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible, is defined in its writings as the intelligent information created by the all-powerful God, Olodumare, which has the basic elements' knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the form of energies. His birth surges with the origin of the universe, and his contents are the directives of how this universe should function, where man inhabits.
This trilogy of energies, that is to say, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, gathered in a sole dissoluble element similar to a gelatinous egg to come down to earth and serve as a basic instruction manual for the creation of terrestrial life. Its descent was accompanied by light and sound. And it lingered for a long time in space, evacuating its energy. This dimension of the expansion of energy is known scientifically today as the morphogenetic resonance field according to the theory of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, and is also known as string fields which is the basics of string theory referring to the electrons and other elemental particles inside the atom which are composed of lines or oscillating chords or vibrating chords as well as of membranes which propagate through space and time. The dynamics of these chords or oscillating chords are governed by matrixes of tension and kinetic energies, which combine to produce oscillations.
This also explains the encyclopedic structure of Ifá formed by Odú or matrixes. The Yoruba word Odú in English means matrix or uterus.
That is to say, Ifa's instructions, which are given in matrixes of energies coherent in the whole universe, and they are divided into 16 basic matrixes, known in the literary body of Ifa as Meyis, and another 240 more matrixes,
derived from these 16 basic ones, and they are known as OMOLU matrixes, to form a total of 256 Odu or matrixes. This intelligent information from IFA vibrates with frequencies of coherent light enclosed in a binary code described as cubits of information for the 16 measures and bits of information for the rest of the 240 Odu.
The binary code of Ifá describes the dual condition between the existent and life, which sometimes complement each other, and in others they oppose. For example, life and death, the feminine and the masculine, night and day, on and off, the good and the bad.
This code was discovered in the 17th century by the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Legnitz in the year 1679, taken as a model from the I Ching, or Book of Changes from the Chinese tradition. From the years, 2800 BC to 2737 BC, before our common era. But this system, the I Ching, was nothing more than a version of the binary code of Ifá, which surged with creation. This model of the binary code is the basis of modern computerization, where the processors imitate the most powerful computer that exists, the human brain. It decodes the binary writings of Ifá through DNA to transcribe the necessary instructions in the formation of life. When we speak of qubits, information, we refer to the capacity of the quantum systems of being in two polar states at the same time, in one photon or light particle, that is to say, the positive and the negative, they superimpose or exist at the same time. This would happen with the feminine and the masculine on the contrary to the bit of information where the system must be positive or negative. On or off. An example of the qubit are the atoms which are considered particles and electromagnetic waves at the same time which can be in many places at the same time. This is another scientific discovery which explains the dynamic connection of the Odu or information of Ifa through the qubit applied to the 16 basic matrices or Meyis.
One Indisputable evidence of this theory in the mathematics of the information of Ifa is held in the human embryogenesis, which is the process of cell division, and the differentiation of the cells, which occurs in the early formation or development of human life. In the first four days of the fertilization of the zygote, or egg, in the interior of the woman, it multiplies or reproduces itself in four by fours until arriving at constituting the morula, or egg, formed by 16
non-differentiated cells. These would be the unit of the 16 Odu, or matrixes of information of Ifa. Afterward, these cells go on reproducing in differentiated forms, or specialized forms, which will complete the 256 matrixes of information, which the DNA within these cells will transcribe to synthesize the proteins, which will form the other tens of trillions of cells, which will compose the organs and systems of the human fetus until its complete development. But what does the word Ifa mean, and what does its Numerology tell us about life? We invite you to enjoy this information in our next video.
Science has lent us its lens to filter Ifa's wisdom and to find proofs of its veracity. But what does the word Ifa mean? We find the answer in the Principle Odu, or Matrix, of its literary encyclopedia called Baba Ejiogbe. In one of its stories, it speaks to us about the occasion when one of the disciples of Orunmila, called Amosu, asked the teacher, to show him the significance of the numbers in Ifá. Orúnmila, using metaphor or parable, imposed himself to explain the numbers from 1 to 16.
From these explanations, we will take the example of the writings about the numbers 1 and 6. About the number 1, we read the following.
Orúnmila said,
"When we count, don't we begin with 1?"
I responded,
"Certainly, we begin with one, Master Ifa."
Ifa (Orunmila) answered,
"In a certain occasion, I declare this, to Ninola of the lineage of Olufunade. Ni, in their name, derives from Ani, one, but they have the same root, Ni, Which also can mean to have, in a manner, that you will have wealth and will enjoy royalty. But Niniola did not understand. Do you understand it?"
I responded,
"Yes, sir, I understand that the multiple is derived from the universal unit, of course."
In these verses about the numerology of Ifa, The significance of one is emphasized, representing the coherence and harmony that exists in the universe. That is to say, all the elements that compose it, interlaced in one all from its fountain of creation, known as Olodumare, who constitutes the appealing and cohesive patron.
This is explained scientifically in the theory of the holographic universe, which nourishes itself from investigations of grand scientists and theorists of physics, from Einstein, Heisenberg, Bell, Bohr, and David Bohm, who described the holographic universe as an invisible, intangible power manifested in tangible parts. The holographic concept comes from the word hologram, from the Greek halops, which means complete or a whole, and grama, which means messages.
One interpretation would be the messages given in a whole. This concept was given for the first time by the Hungarian physicist, Denis Gébor, who received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971 for his work.
The hologram is a third dimensional image created from a coherent ray of light. Let's take a laser beam as a base and let's make it pass through a beam splitter. This will give us two beams. One will be called reference beam, which guided by a mirror will be projected in a photographic plate. The other beam will be called operative beam, which is projected over the object and guided by mirrors. It will also be projected over the photographic plate, giving way to an interference of frequencies which will project the third dimensional image of the object even when it is not present. This explains that the physical world in which we live in is nothing more than a hologram of the causal world we do not see.
That is to say, the invisible world of the dimensions where its creator and his derived or multiple forces reside, known as the Orisha. And though they may not be tangible, they unfold or manifest in each material particle that composes the all that we call man's universe.
"Analyze efa, the number six."
Orunmila said.
"Show me the number six, please, efa."
I said.
He told me,
"Fa in efa means to draw out or bring. Now, hear this play on words."
He continued saying,
"He guides prosperity towards the house. He brings the wealth from the farm. Then he asked, What is it? And responded himself, The hoe, of course. He himself asserted gently, Fa also means puncture, like the needle does with cloth, converting it into pieces of clothing. And he proceeded to say, 'On a certain occasion, I declared this to Afifa, but he never perceived that fa is the root of ifa.' In these previous verses, the word Ifa is observed as a noun or name derived from the verb fa in Yoruba, meaning he who guides or brings the wealth and prosperity'."
Concluding this analysis, evidently, Ifá's truth is tightly bound to the number six, as it is also to one. On the other hand, in the same Odu, or matrix, of Ifá, Baba ejiogbe, we find in another of its verses the following contribution, Ifá-o-ti-to-ni-o-mi-fi-te-le-i-sa, of which the translation is the following,
"Ifá's truth is coated with crystals in water."
The Japanese doctor of alternative medicine Masaru Emoto, creator of the General Research Institute, IHM, has offered solid scientific evidence about these relations that Ifa holds with the number six and its capability of constructing crystals in water. Utilizing an apparatus to analyze magnetic resonance acquired in the United States, he was able to find out that water could convert into a messenger or conductor of electromagnetic frequencies of everything that would come into contact with it.
Afterward, utilizing jars of sterilized crystals, he deposited a millimeter of water from the Shiraito Falls in Japan in each one of them, and he put them to freeze at a temperature of 25 degrees below zero.
Three hours later, the frozen crystals were analyzed with powerful microscopes, and the observed results were very surprising. Crystal structures forming hexagonal figures with perfect symmetry, harmony, and beauty, came to light. But observed that these precious formations of the natural world always have as characteristics six sides or points in symmetric form, correlating Ifá's identification with its etymological root, fa, which means six, and the harmonious and absolute power of its truth reflected in crystal figures such as the verse of Ejiobe expressing, "Ifá's truth is coated with crystals in water."
This same experiment was repeated, but this time utilizing written labels with words of positive and also negative messages. The results were the following; Messages like, I hate you, I'll kill you, you have to, and war, etc. did not form crystals. Rather, horrifying figures instead. On the other hand, words like love, peace, and gratitude formed exquisite figures reflecting delicacy and elegance. These experiments proved the occult, constructive power of life in the truth of the words of Ifá.
In Ifá's numerology, the numbers 1, 6, and 16 form an important trilogy. The number 1 represents the holographic unit of the tangible and intangible elements that compose the universe. That is to say, the universal cohesion and harmony of Ifá.
The number six represents the occult power of the truth of Ifa's word, represented in the formation of hexagonal crystal figures in water, according to the scientific work of the Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto.
These two digits, that we refer to 1 and also 6, are the components of the number 16, which about in the numerological description of the Odu, or matrix, Baba Eyogbe, we read the following.
Orunmila said,
"Now we have Erindilogun, the number 16."
I responded,
"Erindilogun is 20 minus 4. Ifa, Erindilogun is the perfect complete number. It is the perfect squared number."
In these verses of Ifa, it is clearly expressed that the number 16 in Ifa represents that which is perfect, complete. If we analyze the number 16, we will see that it is the perfect square of 4. Seen from another angle, it would be 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16.
The square represents perfection. All of its sides have the same measurements, and all of its angles are right angles, exemplifying Ifá's instructions for a successful life through functional conduct instead of dysfunctional conduct.
Now, this numerology is represented in the perfect genetic engineering which a human goes through in the first four days of fetal Formation, where the fertilized egg or zygote reproduces in four by fours until becoming 16 not differentiated cells and forms the base of the marula, which will later convert into a human fetus by beginning to develop differentiated precursory cells of the different organs and somatic systems.
Basic hereditary information of what would be or will be a human life are in the nucleus of these cells, in the microscopic molecular units called genes, which are nucleic acid sequences, as are DNA and RNA.
DNA consists of chains that codify instructions in 4 types of subunits are called nucleotides. This would be the expression of the number 4 in Ifa elevated to the perfect square because each one of these nucleotides contain four molecules called bases. These bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. These complement each other for the reproduction of proteins following the instructions of the intelligent information obtained from the environment through integral proteins of the membrane. DNA keeps basic, original information in the formation of humans, as well as the codified and non-codified information received daily. This biological process of the human cells finds its replica in the Ifá consultation through the instruments used by its specialists, the Babalawo, whose meaning in Yoruba is Baba Ni Awo. Translated to English, it would be Father of the Secrets.
They master and interpret the secret information given in bits and cubits through the binary codes brought forth during the use of the diagnostic instruments in the consultation.
One of the instruments is the Opele or Equele as it is commonly called in the diaspora.
The Opele resembles two DNA cords with four nucleotides containing four bits of information or basic information of Ifa, which would make the perfect square of four or what is the same as the number 16.
This instrument, the Opele, would be reading the electromagnetic information emanated from the person's genetic codes and the form in which the integral proteins of the membrane are assimilating through resonance the electromagnetic frequency waves of the environment, translated in the psychic, emotional, physical, social, familial, and economical behavior.
That is to say, an integral or holistic panorama of the life of the person. In using another of the diagnostic instruments, called Ikin, which consists of 16 seeds of a special palm, which suffers special bio-energetic treatment for their use.
A group of Babalawo, in a special ceremony which lasts three days, are able to decipher cosmic information, genetic and fluid information, to make a map of the person that encloses the past, the present, and the instructions of the person, which should be followed for a successful future life. This diagnostic process is called receiving the Hand of Orunmila, in the religious language. It is something like knowing who we are and what we came for in this terrestrial dimension.
Do you know? If you don't know,
We invite you to discover it.
Being the universal energy of intelligent information, Ifa was created by Olodumare to dictate the instructions of how the elements that compose life should act, that It had its genesis together with the universe. This detail chronologically places Ifa before the time when men divided the universal holistic knowledge, into distinct specialties currently recognized as science, religion, politics, culture, and many more.
Therefore, to identify Ifa as just a religion would be to mutilate its ray of action in life. Ifa is the awe from which the branches of knowledge spring forth, It is the mother cell of wisdom. This means that Ifa could be considered the wise word of the almighty God. This affirmation could seem contradictory to the belief that has existed for centuries, of the Bible being accredited with this title, but this apparent controversy does not really exist, and this is because if Ifa is born with the origin of the universe, and it has been recognized with the title which is, according to the United Nations, a masterpiece of the oral and intangible. This is signifying Ifa's existence before the Bible's writings.
Most scholars agree that the Bible began to be written at about 1513 BC, and it's believed to have been completed at about 98 AD. To this, we add the fact that writings as a form of communication did not develop before 3000 BC. All things written in the Bible were events that were initially told orally, and the wise advices found in it are in essence the same as found in the oral tradition of Ifa.
They are the directives for a prosperous, harmonious life, only told perhaps with different styles and words. The reason for these linguistic differences are told in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, and also in the Odu of Ofun Oturupon in Ifa. As for the Bible, in chapter 11 verses 1-9 we are told that on earth there was only one single language and only one single set of words.
Men traveling east found the valley of Shin'ar and decided to dwell in this region, and they built the city, and also a giant tower peaking to the heavens, to adore God and to not be scattered throughout earth. The Creator was not in agreement with this purpose, and he confused their language so that one would not understand the language of the other. This story explains clearly that Almighty God did not agree with there being only one single style to adore Him, and He fomented diversity in scattering them throughout different parts of the earth.
In this manner, man would find different faunas, floras, climates, and foods, bringing as a consequence, different cultures and different perceptions of the world that surrounded him.
And these different cultures express these different perceptions, and one may take for example how these different cultures have produced different names to identify the same sovereign, creative God, and different languages to describe Him.
Let's put, for example, the name with which the Creator is identified in the Hebrew scriptures of the Bible. In Exodus 6, verses 2 and 3, the name Jehovah appears, but it is also clearly expressed that there were loyal men at His command, with whom He had many oral communications with frequently, such as were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He never identified Himself before them by His name.
Now, let's analyze the name Jehovah. In its etymology, it's writing in Hebrew is read
"Jo-eh-ba-weh" or Yahweh, and its meaning is He causes it to be. This identifies Jehovah as a title which is more than a name, as the creator of existence, or the existent.
Now, let's analyze the Almighty God. According to Ifa's oral tradition, He is identified in many forms, such as Olodumare, fountain of energy or life, Olorun, God of the heavens, and many more. But, let's put special attention on one form which denotes His quality as creator.
In the Odu of Fumeji, the story of the creation of His name is referred to, and He is identified as Oduduwa. In translating the meaning, we find Odu, as matrix or fountain, Da, which in Yoruba means create, and Wa, which means to be.
That is to say, the matrix which creates or causes to be, in summary, Jehovah and Oduduwa.
As names or titles referring to the supreme being or creator have the same meaning. Another important fact, which provides solid proof of the relative information between the Bible and Ifa, is established in the origin of creation through word. In the Bible, in the book of John chapter 1 verse 1, we read, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word which was God, and the Word was a God.
Later, in verse 3, it continues. All things came to exist through Him, and without Him not even one thing came to exist. In these words, there is a clear testimony that the creator used the word as a basic means of action to create, and this word or verb is later identified as the Son of God or helper in creating all things.
And His name, Jesus, means Yahweh is the salvation. As proof of this, the Book of Genesis, in its account of creation, in chapter 1, it speaks of the six days of creation, utilizing the mandate through the voice or word. For example, in verse 3, we read "And God proceeded to say, Let there be light, and there was light." This story is nothing more than a version of what is related in Ifa and registered in the Odu Iroso Iwori, which affirms that Olodumare, the God-Creator, created knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is a means of communication with everything created, and that which came out of His abdomen, vibrating, and they descended together in the form of word, and they evacuated their energy in the form of light and sound. And upon arriving on earth, it materialized in Ela or Orunmila, whose name means "Only the Heavens Know the Path of Salvation." Moreover, the sign Baba Ejiogbe identifies Orumila as the Eleri Ipin, the witness of creation.
Each account in the Bible and Ifa coincide in four essential points. First, one God-Creator of all existent things. Two, the use of the word or information as the basic means of communication with existence. Three, the Son of God as representative of that word or information and as witness or helper of creation. And Four, the names Orunmila and Jesus have the same meaning.
But, if written forms of the word or mandates of God exist, such as the Bible, Quran, Talmud, and Levitas, among others, then why does Ifa continue to hold the title of Heritage of Humanity in its oral and intangible form? Well, be sure not to miss the explanation in our upcoming videos and transcriptions.
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